Vue.js Certification
- What is the difficulty level of the exams?
- Will the exam questions and challenges be different each time I retake the exam?
- Does it matter whether the test is taken using the Vue Composition API or Options API?
- Can I use Vanilla JS, or is TypeScript mandatory?
- What is the Vue.js Certified Developer Bootcamp?
- When will the Self-Study Training for the Vue.js Developer certification be available?
- What does the Self-Study Training for the Vue.js Developer certification include?
- Can the Self-Study preparation training be added to an existing purchase?
- Is it possible to reschedule a live training session?
- Should I complete the Self-Study Training before attending the Bootcamp?
- Is it possible to include the Boot Camp preparation training with a previous purchase?
- When will the Boot Camp preparation training be available for the Vue.js Developer Certification?
- Will Vue.js Certification need to be purchased separately from a Vue School subscription?
- What topics will be covered during the Vue.js Developer Bootcamp?
- How will the Bootcamp help me prepare for the exam?